LEVEL | $ Monthly Sales Volume | € Monthly Sales Volume | ₤ Monthly Sales Volume | New Customer Commission |
1 | $0 - $5,000 | €0 - €4,000 | ₤0 - ₤3,000 | 20% |
2 | $5,000 - $10,000 | €4,000 - €8,000 | ₤0 - ₤6,000 | 22% |
3 | > $10,000 | > €8,000 | > ₤6,000 | 25% |
LEVEL | Monthly Sales Volume | New Customer Commission |
1 | $0 - $5,000 | 25% |
2 | $5,000 - $10,000 | 27% |
3 | > $10,000 | 30% |
You can choose from a multitude of materials like: banners, links, data feeds, widget, landing pages. If nothing suits your needs, we can also provide customized materials.
You will receive $10 bonus on your first payment.
You will be paid every month. We issue payments around the 10th of the month for all earnings over $50 for PayPal payments and $300 for Wire transfers.
See our help section or contact us. Make sure you read the Nobel Affiliate Program Rules and Policies before you start promoting Nobel. Please note that we manually review each publisher application before approval. If your application was declined, and you feel we would be a good fit, please send us a reconsideration request to help@nobelaffiliates.com describing how you plan to promote Nobel.
Nobel Affiliates is a division of NobelOne Inc.
Copyright © 1998 - 2021, NobelOne Inc.. All rights reserved.